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Hanna-Barbera SFX Library
$495 set
A Two-Disk CD-ROM for the
and compatible samplers


Disk One


Zoo Animals 8M
Apes/Chimps 8M
Monkey/Alligator 8M
Elephants 8M
Leopard/Lions 8M
Tigers 8M
Wild Animals 8M
Bears 8M
Wolves 8M
Cougar/Coyote 8
Farm Animals A 8M
Farm Animals B 8M
Pigs 8M
Dogs A 8M
Dogs B 8M
Cats & Dogs 8M
Jungle Birds 8M
Yard Birds 8M
Various Birds 8M
Farm Birds 8M
Fish Splash 4M
Frogs/Crickets 8M
Bees/Flies 8M

Projectors 4M
Machines 8M
Steam/Air 4M
Electric Power 8M
Battle Ambiences 8M

Gunshots 8M
Ricochets 8M
Hits/Falls 4M

Explosions A 8M
Explosions B 8M
Wood Destruction 8M
Axe/Hammer Hits 8M
Metal Clanks 8M
Household Wreck 8M
Natural Disaster 8M
Rock Slides A 8M
Rock Slides B 8M
Lava/Mud 4M
Fires 8M

Silly People 8M
Fun Runs A 8M
Fun Runs B 8M
Slides/Skids 8M
Zips/ Spins 8M
Head Shakes/Takes 8M
Hokey Horses 8M
Dinky Digging 4M
Fun Machines A 8M
Fun Machines B 8M
Fun Machines C 8M
Rattles/Ratchets 8M
Mad Motors A 8M
Mad Motors B 8M

Mad Motors C 8M
Mad Motors D 8M
Toy Computer 4M
Thumps/Thuds 8M
Fun Falls/Fights 8M
Cartoon Hits A 8M
Cartoon Hits B 8M
Boinks/Crash 8M
Bowang/Ricochet 4M
Boings/Bubble 8M
Swoosh/Swish 8M
Sproing/Sputter 8M
Squeaks/Squeezes 4M
Squirt/Squish 8M
Stretches 8M
Twirls/Twangs 8M
Farts/Splat/Bite 8M
Wobble/Poof/Pop 4M
Cartoon Sports 8M
Rollerskating 8M 
Corny Cornucopia 8M
Musical Mischief 8M
Whacky Drums 8M
Cartoon Planes 8M
Tiny Copter 8M
Funny Cars 8M
Motorcycle Fun 4M
Cartoon Trains 4M
Sci-Fi Jetsons A 8M
Sci-Fi Jetsons B 8M

Disk Two
Cartoon Capsule 4M
Flying Saucer A 8M
Flying Saucer B 8M
Beams/ Hums 8M
Bleeps/Beeps 8M
Sci-Fi Guns A 8M
Sci-Fi Guns B 4M
Sci-Fi Guns C 8M
Monsters A 8M
Monsters B 8M
Rays/Nose Cannon 8M
Oscillators 8M
Robots 8M
Rockets A 8M
Rockets B 8M
Rockets C 8M
Sci-Fi Warps 4M
Spatial Ambience 8M
Space FX A 8M
Space FX B 8M
Space Modes 8M
Space Ship FX 8M
Sub Evil 8M
Super Friends 8M
Tubes/Zaps 8M
Undersea Space 8M
Magic A 8M
Magic B 8M
Electronic Cycle 8M
Electronic FX 8M
Electronic Old 8M
Electronic Osc 8M
Electronic Slide A 8M
Electronic Slide B 8M
Electronic Speed 8M
Crowd Panic 4M

Sports 8M
Ski/Fishing 8M
Household FX
Knobs/Knockers 4M
Wooden Doors 4M
Rope Stretch 4M
Pour Sounds 4M

Cash Register 4M
Music FX 8M
Media Effects Record Player 4M

Cash Register 4M
Bleriot Plane A 8M
Bleriot Plane B 8M
Prop Planes 8M
Prop Plane Idles 8M
Dive Bombers 8M
Jet Passes 8M
Passenger Jet 8M
Passenger Jet FX 8M
P. Jet Take Off 8M
P. Jet Landing 4M
Helicopter A 8M
Helicopter B 8M

Hail/Thunder 8M
Wind A 8M
Wind B 8M

Copter Take Off 8M
Antique Auto 8M
Model T Auto 8M
Auto Skid/Crash 8M
Jeep Starts/Door 8M
Jeep Runs 8M
Volkswagon 8M
Dragster Auto 8M
Motorcycles 4M
Steady Trains 8M
Trains W/Horn 4M
Trains W/Bell 8M
Trains W/Whistles 8M
Large Boats 8M
Small Boats 4M
Jet Boats A 8M
Jet Boats B 8M
Sub/Ships 8M

Lake Water 8M
Rivers/Streams 8M
Rowing Water 8M
Water Splashes 8M
Drips 8M
Bubbles 8M
Tubs/Tanks 8M
Waterfalls 8M
Waves/Underwater 8M

The Hanna-Barbera Sound Effects Library is contained on two CD-ROM for the E-mu Systems Emulator III/EIIIX/ESI/E4 or Digidesign SampleCell.  Known for the wacky sound effects on The Flintstones, Jetsons, Huckleberry Hounds, Smurfs, etc, this library is loaded with laughs.  But these volumes are more than just fun.  Many everyday sounds from animals to airplanes to water effects are part of the library.  All the sounds have been restored with Sonic Solutions, are completely noise-free and come in mono format.  There are 2 volumes for a total of 2,000 sound effects all categorized for quick loading into the EIII/ESI or SampleCell (Sound Designer format).  At $495, the comedy set to flip for has finally arrived.

The two disks in this title are not available separately.  Click Purchase This Title, or contact Northstar for complete information and shipping details.  Northstar accepts VISA/Mastercard/Amex/Discover, check or money order. (503) 760-7777.